Coffee Cupping

Coffee Cupping: Cup testing, Judging the merits of a coffee brand, particular roast, crop, by Master roasting,finishing and grinding then brewing some of it. The brew is sipped from a spoon after "Breaking the Crust"- the Golden mosaic that is creme.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Coffee Cupping: Practice these discriptions and you will know what to expect from a " Single Source Bean"

Coffee Taste Descriptions for General Roasts
fill your cup!

Brazil Bourbon: Soft, neutral to sweet, light body, very low to no acidity.

Celebes Kalosi: Heavy body, almost syrupy richness, spicy, balanced acidity.

Colombian Supremo: Smooth, mild, medium body, medium acid with high aromatics.

Colombian Excelso: Like Supremo but sometimes with more intensity.

Colombian Decaf: German Processed. Less body and acid than the Supremos and Excelsos.

Colombian Decaf: Swiss Water. Less flavorful than German processing.

Costa Rican Tarrazu: Clean, crisp, between medium and full body with high acidity, good aroma.

Ethiopian Harrar: Heavy body, complex spiciness, slightly wild, light acidity, typical mocha flavor.

Ethiopian Sidamo: Lighter body than Harrar, more acid, balanced by greater sweetness, complex, spicy aroma.

Guatemalan Antigua: Smoky, chocolate tones, medium to heavy body, medium but zesty acidity, dry nose.

Honduran Strictly High Grown (SHG): Medium to light body, good acidity, neutral to harsh cup with good aroma.

Indian Monsoonal: Flavor similar to aged Sumatra but with corky, woody nuances--an acquired taste.

Jamaican High Mountain: Good acid and body, slightly sweet with delicately seductive flavors, fine aroma.

Java Estate: Sweet, medium in acidity and body,some times with a slightly rubbery yet provocative undertone.

Kenya AA: Brisk, snappy, medium body yet intense flavor with a dry winey aftertaste.

Kona Fancy: Full body, fine aroma, exceptional flavor.

Kona Extra Fancy: Full bodied, fine aroma, considered the best of the Konas.

Malawi Plantation: Light body, medium acidity, equivalent to a Kenya AB, floral aroma.

Mexican Altura: Sweeter and lower in acidity than Central Americans but nonetheless rich in flavor.

New Guinea Estate: Strong, fragrant aroma, balanced acidity, medium to full body, hints of chocolate, with pleasing, aftertaste.

Panama Boquete: Medium body and acidity, clean with a rich flavor, great for Vienna and dark roasts.

Peruvian Organic: Simple, mild flavor, good acidity and body.

Sumatran Mandheling: Heavy, full bodied, spicy, earthy taste, low to mild acidity.

Sumatran Decaf German Process: Milder and less distinctive than regular Sumatran, but considered the richest decaf.

Sumatran Decaf Swiss Water: Less flavorful but more environmentally correct.

Tanzanian Peaberry: Full body, medium acidity, intense flavor, excellent fragrance.

Thai Robusta: Harsh, woody, heavy body, acquired taste.

Three-Bean Decaf: Typical restaurant or supermarket style decaf.

Vietnamese Robusta: Strong, heavy flavors with pronounced woodiness perfect for sweetened iced coffees.

Zimbabwe AA: Good, clean, sweet, medium body with good acidity, takes dark roasts well.


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