Bean There? The Coffee Bean ©

Ethiopia Djimah
Per Pound *Wholesale Retail
*$8.00 $10.00
Ethiopian coffees are distinctive; magnificent- wine like, fruit under-tones, acidy with a "wild" exotic taste. We select Djimah coffees, which are thick-bodied and highly acidic with earthy wild gamey flavors and a singular taste that is defined by your roasting specifications.
* Location: Kaffa; South Western Ethiopia.
* Altitude: 1500-1800 meters.
* Quality: Exclusively Arabica, Unwashed Grade 5 Usual Good Quality, fair to light acidity, good heavy body, strong original flavor.
* More information about green beans: ripe cherries are hand picked one by one, preparation; sun-drying, machine-cleaning, hand-picking, electronic sorting.
Ethiopia Long Berry Harrar
*$8.00 $13.00
One of the world's most prized coffee, Harrar has a medium to light acidity. Full body with typical mocha flavor with a winey aftertaste, of the two varieties, *short-berry and long-berry, the latter is considered the most desirable. All Harrar is dry processed and the beans are slightly yellowish green.
*altitude of origin: 5000 - 7000 ft.
Fill Your Cup! Bean there!
* Location: Kaffa; South Western Ethiopia.
* Altitude: 1500-1800 meters.
* Quality: Exclusively Arabica, Unwashed Grade 5 Usual Good Quality, fair to light acidity, good heavy body, strong original flavor.
* More information about green beans: ripe cherries are hand picked one by one, preparation; sun-drying, machine-cleaning, hand-picking, electronic sorting.
Ethiopia Long Berry Harrar
*$8.00 $13.00
One of the world's most prized coffee, Harrar has a medium to light acidity. Full body with typical mocha flavor with a winey aftertaste, of the two varieties, *short-berry and long-berry, the latter is considered the most desirable. All Harrar is dry processed and the beans are slightly yellowish green.
*altitude of origin: 5000 - 7000 ft.
Fill Your Cup! Bean there!
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